You know what I loved about this morning? Getting up and checking my blog to find 5 perfect strangers commenting lovely things on my on previous post. I know that I’ll be checking my blog again and again all day long.
There is just something in the way strangers from around the world can provide you with so much comfort, and a sense of warmth. I find it strange because one should only care for the approval of those who are the closest to you, whose presence makes a difference in your life. Yet I find my heart skip a beat every time I see an appreciative comment or get sad when someone takes out time to tell me how much I suck. (HATERS SUCK, OKAY. JAJAJAJA)
Right now, I’m so busy with schoolwork that I barely have time to breath let alone think. It’s just been a flurry of unfinished essays, unfinished projects, lists, homework and whole other list of unfinished businesses (HA HA. Yes, that’s just how lame I am.)
I have 15 minutes till I have to go and work on a project (care for some art appreciation anyone?) so I’ve decided to post a list of things. About me. I LOVE making lists. I’d marry a list if it were possible. “insert awkward silence”
1. I love Japanese people. No, seriously. I squeal every time I see a Japanese tourist. My friends think it’s strange, to which I generally say, “Yeah think? OOHH, LOOK, THERE’S ANOTHER ONE.” I love everything about there culture. Especially Manga and sushi ( <3 ). There are these two anime shows that I used to watch ALL the time called “Tsubasa Reservoire Chronicles” and “Cardcaptor Sakura”. You should definitely watch it. It’ll blow. Your. Mind. Or vaguely amuse you if you’re not a FREAK like me.
2. I have a strange obsession with rings. And strange looking jewelry. The stranger it is, the better.
3. I never leave home without my ipod. Never. I’m probably taking it to my grave. Or pickle jar. (You got that right. I plan to be preserved. Not cremated or burnt. Now stop rolling your eyes.)
4. I am prone to doing the strangest of things like saying things that aren’t funny (THEY WERE FUNNY IN MY HEAD OKAY? SOBS) or naming…things or get caught talking to myse…lets not go there.
5. The grand finale. I am obsessed with lists and I will make another list of things about me and other things later, to demonstrate that.
“Sometimes you have to get to know someone really well to realize you're really strangers.”
Oh,oooh,we reaally have many things in common!I mean,our characters:D
ReplyDeleteI also feel this awesome happiness when I see a new comment,ever a tiny little one!And I love lists too! Actually,can I copy your idea and write one with 5 facts about me like the list you made above?Please?:)))
Good luck with school<3
thanks 4 ur sweet comment and that you let me make the list! you also have an award from me! look at my post:)
ReplyDeletekiises xxx
Yeah, the internet is pretty amazing in that way, huh? :D How you can be about a zillion miles apart but still be connected all the same. Whoever said that all this technology is bad, I definitely disagree with!
ReplyDeleteAck, good luck getting through all that homework and all. I know it's so stressful. :P
But yay for lists! Making lists is fun in a strange kind of way.
ReplyDeleteIt was a major part of my childhood!