Thursday, October 21, 2010

I hate the previous post.


  1. Oh my God.Oh my God!
    Reading your last post,was like reading my mind at some of my bad moments!! You are deffinately not alone!!I agree to every single thing you write,every bit of your post! My bestie has also a bf,which I really approve and like and all these things.But ,ok,it's impossible sometimes not to think "hey,what's wrong with me?" and feel a bit,only a liiiiittle bit jealous. Human nature! So never,ever doupt yourself!And you ever regret about how you feel!!

    Ehm,yeah,I'm Magda by the way:)
    I just found your blog and think it's great!
    New follower for you!
    Kisses sweetheart<3

  2. thank you so much for your sweet comment!
    love your blog, I'll follow you!!

  3. hm that's weird, i've tried about 10 times but I can't follow your blog....

  4. I hate being overemotional, at least in a sappy sense....

    But you know what bugs me, when people feel compelled to include the phrase(s) "Great blog!" or "I really like your blog". I write because I like my blog, so on the first count I don't really need any further validation. On a second count, if you're commenting, that means you either read my post(s) and liked it(them?), or, on a third count, you commented for the sole purpose of getting me to come to your blog and write you back...on a fourth count, simply saying "great blog" is so vague and arbitrary I couldn't tell you if it was the words or the awkward green background or both that you thought was "great". On a fifth count, by commenting on my blog, you would typically garner a return comment and probably a follow, but by violating the previous four counts it makes me less inclined to want to even bother, and yet here I am typing this vehement comment, because it's late, I just got home from work, and I like to complain.

    So there you go, five counts against you, now convince me that you're worth ignoring such blatant offense.

  5. Lawl, get a life flamer. I was joking, no trolling necessary.

    And if you want to criticize my layout, well I would do a little know, a little pot calling the kettle black situation?


Found something