Sunday, October 31, 2010
You know who I hate? Liars. Liars and hypocrites. At times when I’m typing all these angry words, I feel guilty about subjecting my obviously negative emotions to all of you reading this but honestly, its MY blog and too bad if you hate this, you can read one of the happier posts. I hate the people who I have surrounded myself with, in my life. More than that I hate myself for not finding the right kind of people. After all, doesn’t it somewhat depend on me?
Have you ever had a friend that screwed you over but you just kept returning to her over and over again to find yourself being engulfed by those similar feeling of claustrophobia just because its more comfortable just being with her? I think every one has at least one of those friends. But the question is, why do we? Why do we keep returning to them just to get hurt again? Or is it just me?
I find it hard to trust people these days. It’s because I’ve been screwed over too many times. Why is it SO hard for people to just STOP lieing? Why is it THAT hard to just say what the real deal is?
Okay, now I’m off to the Diwali Mela. Imma write happy things about that later.
I feel so much better. I might hate everyone right now, but I love you forevez blogger.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Mmmm. I feel good. Wonder how long that will last. Mmm.

I don’t know if its been long since Ive last posted but somehow the exitement of having a blog has dissipated. I’m going to now make a sad smiley. → ☹
Some how, too many people who I know, know about this sacred space (YES I WILL refer it as that. WHATCHA GONNA DO?) and I don’t feel as comfortable posting. But who cares right?
I’ve been too busy to think about even writing. There is just so much that I need to do that I’m avoiding. I need o study for my SATs if I wish to go to a good college and continue with my book. (Im trying, TRYING to write a book.)
Writing this book is important to me. I have a story in mind that I want to desperately pen down on paper but the words fail to come. I really admire authors who have managed to pen down entire epics and novels. I even admire Stephanie Meyer (even though some of my overly passionate friends would like to stone me for saying that) solely based on the fact that she was able to pen down not one, not two but about 4 novels. Een the most talented writers fail to do that at times. But enough about this.
I’m looking forward to the coming months because they’ll be filled with so much activity. We have an exchange programme happening in school and the festival of Diwali (Indian equivalent of Christmas) is also here. We’ll have a small fate in our school with a rickety giant wheel and rusty old rides that look like health hazards but are SO much fun to ride on. There will be lame stalls filled with stupid games and there will be a crappy DJ with a lot of dancing. I know, it doesn’t sound that great, but it always ends up being fun. Sometimes I love my life because nothing seems to be wrong, because sometimes I’m so busy that I don’t have time to focus on what’s missing. I’m looking forward to the next few months because I’ll be so busy that it wont occur to me that I don’t have parents who let me get out as often as I’d like or I don’t think I’ve made friends who I’ll be in touch with after school. Sometimes life is just like a long road trip when the view from outside the window is breathtaking.
But I don’t want to dwell on how great everything is because I know I’ll jinx it and that would be another strange rant post that I will immediately regret writing right after I press the “post now” option.
So, until we meet next time, my loves. Don’t wait up, I don’t know when I’ll be able to visit next.
"This is the true joy of life, the being used up for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one."
- George Bernard Shaw
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Hello, to these lovely ladies.

So, I got my first EVVVAARR award from the ever so lovely MAGDAAAA. I love you, Mags. You rock my socks.
1) Sum up your blogging philosophy/ experiance etc in 5 words.
-- Love. friends, excitement, dreams and therapy
2) Pass on the award to 10 other bloggers who you think have substance
Here it is:
Artemisla D.
Heather Taylor
However, I only know these 8, but pass it on guys! spread the cheer. You deserve 40 more awards like these. :D
Friday, October 22, 2010
I'm going to call this one "LISTS" because that's just how original I am.

You know what I loved about this morning? Getting up and checking my blog to find 5 perfect strangers commenting lovely things on my on previous post. I know that I’ll be checking my blog again and again all day long.
There is just something in the way strangers from around the world can provide you with so much comfort, and a sense of warmth. I find it strange because one should only care for the approval of those who are the closest to you, whose presence makes a difference in your life. Yet I find my heart skip a beat every time I see an appreciative comment or get sad when someone takes out time to tell me how much I suck. (HATERS SUCK, OKAY. JAJAJAJA)
Right now, I’m so busy with schoolwork that I barely have time to breath let alone think. It’s just been a flurry of unfinished essays, unfinished projects, lists, homework and whole other list of unfinished businesses (HA HA. Yes, that’s just how lame I am.)
I have 15 minutes till I have to go and work on a project (care for some art appreciation anyone?) so I’ve decided to post a list of things. About me. I LOVE making lists. I’d marry a list if it were possible. “insert awkward silence”
1. I love Japanese people. No, seriously. I squeal every time I see a Japanese tourist. My friends think it’s strange, to which I generally say, “Yeah think? OOHH, LOOK, THERE’S ANOTHER ONE.” I love everything about there culture. Especially Manga and sushi ( <3 ). There are these two anime shows that I used to watch ALL the time called “Tsubasa Reservoire Chronicles” and “Cardcaptor Sakura”. You should definitely watch it. It’ll blow. Your. Mind. Or vaguely amuse you if you’re not a FREAK like me.
2. I have a strange obsession with rings. And strange looking jewelry. The stranger it is, the better.
3. I never leave home without my ipod. Never. I’m probably taking it to my grave. Or pickle jar. (You got that right. I plan to be preserved. Not cremated or burnt. Now stop rolling your eyes.)
4. I am prone to doing the strangest of things like saying things that aren’t funny (THEY WERE FUNNY IN MY HEAD OKAY? SOBS) or naming…things or get caught talking to myse…lets not go there.
5. The grand finale. I am obsessed with lists and I will make another list of things about me and other things later, to demonstrate that.
“Sometimes you have to get to know someone really well to realize you're really strangers.”
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Regarding a certain word called "loneliness"

“Lucky I’m in love with my best friend, Lucky to have been where I have been, Lucky to be coming home again.” – Jason Mraz ( <3>
I haven’t been lucky. I’m not in love with my best friend.
Today, a close friend of mine started dating this really nice guy. I’m really happy for her because well, it’s just nice to see her giggle like an ass every time she receives a text from him or she talks about him. It warms my heart. And I’m happy for her. On the other hand, when I got to know about it, at the back of my head, a cold voice said “why aren’t you with someone? Why doesn’t anyone like you?” and just as soon as I heard that voice, I knew that the numbing feeling that was coming over me wouldn’t go away for another 28 hours. I was hesitating to put this up, because it reveals a part of me that I don’t like. The part, that thinks that there might be something wrong with me. And nobody ever likes to think that.
So, today I want to talk about being in love, being in a relationship. This day had to come, sooner or later when I would’ve broken down and ranted about how truly pathetic I am and how I’m going to die alone with 88 cats. And how the last sound that I will hear wont be the silent whisper of a loved one, but the mew of one of those 88 cats that I forgot to feed. So its better if I bring this up, sooner than later because I assure you dear readers that I will get progressively whinier with every post, so bear with me.
I’ve never had a boyfriend. Never. Not in the 16 years of my life. I’ve never kissed a boy, never felt loved/ liked by someone who isn’t genetically programmed to love me.
If someone was to ask me what about what I was scared off the most? I’d say, “being lonely.” Right after screaming “CLOWNS!” really loudly and running away really really fast. It’s the loneliness that scares me. The feeling that you get when you see your best friend’s boyfriend hugging her from the back or when you sit in a dark corner in a party when all the couples are dancing. I can’t describe it. One of my friends did describe it. She said that it must feel like you were empty. She was right. You feel like there’s something missing. Hollow.
I believe in being in love and finding that someone that you can be with forever. Right now, all I’m feeling is lonely. Right now, all I want to do is experience all those bittersweet things that one experiences in a relationship. I want to feel someone’s arms close around me, shielding me from all the pain in the world (DRAMADRAMADRAMA). Or maybe just hold someone’s hand. I know this sounds lame and cheesy and I’m ashamed of this part of me that needs someone but right now, I feel a bit sad and I need to write about it. Anyway, it must be nice to have someone who really likes you
Loneliness is the scariest thing out there.
Someone once said, “Alone all alone, nobody but nobody can make it out there.”
I agree.
Monday, October 18, 2010
"Your art matters. It's what got me here." - Lucas to Peyton

When I first discovered One Tree Hill, I spent all my time watching it. Which pretty much means that I’d be glued to the laptop for 10 hours at a day and cry in agony every time Megavideo said those twelve wretched words “Your 72 minutes are up. Please wait till 54 minutes to continue.” After a while I devised a pretty neat system to spend those 54 minutes of anguish. Which mostly just included watching a gazillion Youtube videos. O.o (I WANT TO KEEP THE INVENTOR OF YOUTUBE ON A PEDESTEL AND WORSHIP HIM 80s STYLE.)
A short while ago, I wrote this poem inspired by a quote from One Tree Hill. Its not much, but I was quiet proud of it, when I wrote it and I’ve been wanting to post it here since the very beginning.
You painted your soul
A part of your heart
I saw your work
I looked at your art
There were pictures of you
Alone in the dark
A cry for help, the need to make a mark
Though you might not know it
Your art is saving my world
Your art is what matters,
It’s keeping me here
I see your eyes; they’re filled with fear
Of not being remembered, of not being heard
But it’s making a place,
A place in my heart
Your art is what matters
It’s the only thing for me, I fear
It’s keeping me here
It is what's keeping me here
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Barney: "...there is a little thing in corporate America I call The chain of Screaming"

“If you don't believe in ghosts, you've never been to a family reunion.”
I saw this one episode of How I met Your Mother, where Barney explains to Marshall about a “Chain of screaming”. In the Chain of Screaming, one person screams at another and that person screams at another and another and the whole cycle goes on. Well, in my family’s chain of screaming, I’m as low as I can get. I’m probably the plankton.
Nobody’s family is perfect. Mine definitely isn’t. I don’t think that a perfect family exists. I guess you can have something close to perfect but perfection ends up remaining as an urban myth. Perfection doesn’t exist and even if you think it does, there is always something lurking in the background ready to jump you if you get too comfortable.
I have a family as dysfunctional as anyone else’s. We have our own skeletons in the closet and like any other slightly abnormal family, we try to hide it. This is probably why I’m feeling hesitant as I write this post. A part of me feels like I’m hanging my dirty laundry in the public and nobody needs to know my business. But then I think about this friend I have. Lets call her Em. She had this wonderful blog where she posted everything about herself, the good the bad, the ugly. And I remember her telling me how wonderful it felt to just write it all down. How it was “therapeutic”. She’s a part of the reason of why I started my own blog. I remember reading her writing and feeling inspired. And though at times I feel that I have a strange, strange relationship with her, I’m never going to deny the fact that somewhere down the line, she became a part of my life. And I’d be sorry if she’s not around.
Coming back, today I had a huge argument with my parents. I don’t know whose fault it was, but it just made me really sad. I have a complicated family where we don’t always “communicate” with each other and everyday, you can hear someone screaming in the background. It’s somehow become the soundtrack of our lives. I have a mom who feels unappreciated with a flair for drama, a dad who feels unacknowledged with a temper and an overly emotional sister. We’re your regular family. And me? I just feel like no one “understands me” But that’s probably “my teenage fable…or some psychology term” that will go away in sometime. But sometimes it gets to me. At times the urge to run is too strong, too demanding. So demanding that I feel numb, a bit broken inside. At times I can never seem to do any right. And it ALWAYS leaves me feeling conflicted about who I am, and how I should feel and what the fuck I should do. I don’t think I can talk about this to my friends anymore. It’s not their burden to bear.
I guess, it’s not that big of a deal and I can handle it. I just miss all the old things that we used to do when my “parents weren’t the enemy” (Ha ha, I get the drama from my mom.) I remember going to the museums every Saturday with my dad or watching James Bond movies with mom and dad every Sunday. We don’t do that anymore. We’ve lost all our little traditions. And I guess when you lose out on those, there becomes very little that you can hold on to.
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Its so much easier, just writing down whatever comes in my head, than I had expected. Its so much easier to reveal all my deepest and the darkest of thoughts to complete strangers.
I have always liked strangers better than people I know personally. That’s probably why I never had problems making friends. It’s maintaining those friendships, which is hard.
There is a strange comfort in revealing your secrets to strangers. They don’t judge you, at least not openly. And once you’re done talking to them, they disappear into the world. You never see them again, never hear from them.
Anyway, about two days ago I attended the Closing Ceremony of the Commonwealth Games that was held in Delhi. It was SO much of fun. Though I wouldn’t say much about the actual ceremony. It was pretty decent. It got a bit boring in the middle during which I increased my score in “Brick breaker” (the shizzyest game in my blackberry curve). The whole experience was really great. There were marching bands, dancers, dancers who were dancing WITH swords (AWWE), LASERR LIGHTT SABERSS (Okay, a laser show. Duh.) And a pseudo concert where the different Indian performers performed a ton of Hindi songs.
They also sang, “we will rock you” and “tonight’s going to be a good night” which was sadly an EPIC FAIL.
When I think about it, the ceremony was a lot like an Indian wedding. Colorful and loud. But I loved every moment of it. When I close my eyes, I can picture myself sitting there again. Surrounded by a myriad of colours. The sky glittering with the remains of the firecrackers and music so loud that you can feel your bones vibrate and tingle inside you. I can almost feel all the people sitting around me, shouting and cheering, waving flags and streamers, standing up every time the Indian flag passed by. Just sitting there, gave me a strange feeling of ownership. Like I belonged, truly belonged to my country. And all those people who were sitting next to me in the stadium, who would normally be separated by different working classes and social norms, were all one. All together. Just supporting their country in one of its proudest moments. That day was a good day. In a country filled with misfits, who bumbled its way through the games preparation, nothing could’ve been more perfect.
“My kind of loyalty was loyalty to one's country, not to its institutions or its office-holders.” --Mark Twain
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Can a feeling, replace the words of a title?
There is this need to write down the breathings of the heart, to inscribe them on paper, give them some form of immortality, put a part of yourself in it.
If someone were to ask me what I wanted, I'd tell them that all I could ever want was to write something that would inspire emotions in the person reading it. Not the gagging kinds, mind you. I want to write something, anything that could change the life of the person reading it. And I’d also want a pair of thigh high basic black boots but that’s a different case altogether.
This is the pilot post, where I’m supposed to tell you, who I am and why you should spend 15 minutes of your life (which you might not get back) reading what I have written.
Well, my name is Sam. I’d prefer to be a Myra or a Roxy but the name Sam however bland it is, is the closest to my name. You figured it out, I’m keeping it anonymous. I’m a 16 year old girl from New Delhi (Yeah, downright glamorous right? I hate you bitches roaming the wild streets of NYC/Paris or Tokyo)
Why should you read what I’ve written? Honestly, you don’t have a damn good reason to and I cant give you one either except maybe you can help me figure out who the hell I am because that’s why Ive opened this little corner in the World Wide Web, to figure out who I am. Do a little soul searching. A little some-some on the side. Also, Im currently trying to pull this budding writer image and this thing here, is right on top on my to-do checklist. Obviously its not right on the top, but its right below “Lose some weight and finish the math assignment.”
A girl has got to set her priorities right.